So some of my 101 tasks are going to be ongoing for the 1001 days. I will periodically update them to keep track of my status.
#9 - Reduce water usage
I think I am doing pretty well with this. I was very wasteful with water. I have since stopped letting the water run when I am brushing my teeth. I think I read somewhere that it saves 8 gallons of water each time you do that. I will have to look up the actual numbers. I also used to let the water run for the shower until it got hot, then I would turn on the shower. I realize that the shower faucet puts out more water than the showerhead, so I know I am saving water there. I have been looking up other ways I can cut back on water usage and I don't know how dedicated I am for some of them. I know some people follow the motto "if it's yellow, let it mellow" (with regards to the toilet and flushing), but I don't think I am there yet. Maybe as I continue on the journey to becoming more "green" I will adopt that one??
#21 - Track my experience in my blog
Self explanatory.
#44 - Make the bed every day for 1001 days
I had to modify this one a little. I know. But, I am only going to commit to making the bed when I am the last one out of it, which is 99% of the time. The weekend this challenge started the Hubs had taken off work. So I was knowing I wanted to make the bed, but he was still in it. Once my day gets going I am not going to go back and make the bed. So, I have made the bed every day that I was the last to get out of it, so far.
#45 - Clean the kitchen every day before work for 1001 days
I have been doing this. Now what I consider cleaning the kitchen with regards to this challenge is to make sure there are no dishes in the sink, the counters and stove are cleaned off, and the floors are clean. So I have been doing that so far.
#56 - Donate to charities through CFC every year
Now I have to admit that for 2010 I had to sign up for this before the new year. But this year I donated to the
Marine Mammal Center. They rescue, rehabilitate, and then release marine mammals. They also have a huge educational component, which I love. I have a special place in my heart for marine mammals. Hopefully I will get to go visit this facility one day (maybe get to check of another task by doing it).
#58 - Go to church more regularly
Well there has only been one Sunday since this challenge began and I did go to church. For me going to church is such a great experience. I always learn something and I feel like it is always related to something I am experiencing in my life. This past Sunday,
Dr. Washington spoke on the determination needed to achieve your goals. Definitely something the Hubs and I needed to hear.